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今年生日恢復單身!Gigi Hadid 身穿Versace金色洋裝迎接23歲、與Bella曬姊妹好感情
名人 | Apr 25 , 2018  00:00

今年生日恢復單身!Gigi Hadid 身穿Versace金色洋裝迎接23歲、與Bella曬姊妹好感情

人氣超模Gigi Hadid聲勢無法擋,4月23日剛過完生日的她,除了受到各界媒體、名人的祝福,更有自己的妹妹Bella率先在IG PO出感人的生日文,讓人太羨慕這對高顏值、感情又好的姐妹花!
文/Sasha  來源/Instagram

Gigi Hadid今年生日恢復單身,出生於23日、也在今年迎接23歲,Gigi於生日派對上穿上Versace金色細肩洋裝,與妹妹Bella Hadid一樣性感亮眼又吸睛。



23 years ago the world was blessed with a little angel. Best friends since the moment you held me in the delivery room! You’ve been waiting for this day for your whole life...23!!!! Golden ! Just like u! At least once a day, I think and wonder how I got so lucky to have you as a sister. To have someone to teach me as I grow, to love me as I am, and to be together for every step of the way. I look at photos and watch videos of us growing up, and it just makes me smile/ 😭 because I know that I’d never be able to do this life without you. Nothing would be the same !!!! You are my comfort blanket, my idol, my confidant, my built in best friend, and, of course, the best gift @yolanda.hadid and @mohamedhadid have ever given me... You too cheeto @anwarhadid ❤️ I am so proud of the woman you are, the ideas you have, the strength you have built, and the love you radiate. Thank you for being YOU!!! When you are truly you, no one can stop you!!!!! I love you more than you’ll ever know ! There is no one I would rather spend this life with. My Forever muse and bfff(and ever and ever and ever) My sissy pantelones, The ONE!!!! I love you. @gigihadid

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從Tommy Hilfiger、FENDI等各時尚大牌幾乎都可見Gigi的身影,私底下的私服穿搭、感情生活也是粉絲們關注的焦點,就讓我們繼續關注這位時尚超模&媒體寵兒吧!


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