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好感人!時尚潮模GIGI HADID與Zayn Malik修成正果,傳已懷孕20周準備當媽媽啦
速報 | Apr 29 , 2020  00:00

好感人!時尚潮模GIGI HADID與Zayn Malik修成正果,傳已懷孕20周準備當媽媽啦

太感人啦!時尚潮模GIGI HADID和前一世代前團員Zayn Malik相識五年歷經分分合合最後修成正果,前陣子過完25歲生日,也曬出與Zayn Malik共同慶生的影片,在今日更有外媒指出GIGI HADID已懷孕20周準備當媽媽啦~~相信這份好消息已受到世界各地的祝福了吧!
文/andrealu  來源/ig、PINTEREST、TMZ

時尚潮模Gigi Hadid與前一世代前成員Zayn Malik兩人於2015年拍MV認識,兩人漸漸開始發展戀情,除了在街上被拍到兩人牽手、親密互動等,但在也是歷經許多的分分合合,這回Gigi Hadid經傳懷孕實在讓粉絲又驚又喜!

據TMZ所報導指出Gigi Hadid已懷孕20周,讓家人又驚又喜~更說道在前幾天,Gigi Hadid 除了PO出歡慶25歲生日,也同樣曬出與Zayn Malik相擁的甜蜜畫面,但根據編的仔細觀察,實在看不出是已懷孕的身材呀!!!




Had the sweetest day celebrating my 25th birthday with my quarantine family, who made it so special for me, along with all the love I felt from all over the world! Thank you to everyone for the birthday messages, I carried you with me yesterday!! 💛🙏 I am grateful and lucky that my family and friends -near and far- are healthy and safe, and although I missed loved ones I wish I could have celebrated with, know that these times will make us even more grateful for togetherness to be had in the future ! I will never forget my 25th bday! +++The icing on the perfect quarantine bday was finding out my surprise everything-bagel-cake was made by the one and only Cake Boss @buddyvalastro who I have watched for over a decade. I CRIED REAL TEARS! BUDDY! This is a dream come true. I can’t believe you made this cake for me while the bakery is closed. It means more to me than you know, and when we hopefully meet some day you will truly know that there almost isn’t an episode I’ve missed. 10/10 would be a Carlo’s intern whenever needed. 😆 Grateful, honored, your biggest fan. 🥯🥯🥯🥯🍰

Gigi Hadid(@gigihadid)分享的貼文 於 張貼

但還是恭喜兩人數度分分合合最終修正果,即將迎來兩人的第一個寶寶,祝福無限大 ,或許這就是愛情最美好的模樣,經歷一些波折、分合,才能更相知相惜!




超模Gigi Hadid、Kendall Jenner追捧的愛牌來了!運動這樣穿最時髦 穿球鞋氣場就會輸?超模Gigi Hadid用Reebok Classic系列搭出街拍新高度