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其實一點也不無聊!跟著Chiara Ferragni在家這樣做,烤PIZZA、健身、抖音多項娛樂一同來抗疫
速報 | Apr 06 , 2020  00:00

其實一點也不無聊!跟著Chiara Ferragni在家這樣做,烤PIZZA、健身、抖音多項娛樂一同來抗疫

疫情情間宅在家可以做甚麼事情來娛樂?跟著義大利時尚博主Chiara Ferragni這樣做,各種娛樂不僅有趣還可以與家人一起,一整天很快就過去~~也能讓自己以及周遭的人更加安全,快收藏一波!
文/andrealu  來源/Chiara Ferragni_IG



Ti amo e ti supportero’sempre 🙏🏻 Always proud to be italian 🇮🇹

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新冠肺炎來勢洶洶!情勢較為嚴重國家紛紛宣布封城、鎖國政策,以減少大家往來接觸造成的感染風險,而都只能待在家的日子究竟可以做哪些事,近來許多部落客也分享了待在家可以做得娛樂,像是義大利時尚博主Chiara Ferragni不僅宣導許多防疫的正向觀念、捐給許多機構等,更教大家在家也是有許多趣事可以做,一起來看看吧!








Please people, spread the right message and let’s help each other 🙏🏻 More on my stories 🙏🏻

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Pizza night, happy night 🍕

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Very proud of myself: exercising for my third day in a row 💪🏻 And I’m usually the laziest ever 🙏🏻

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Today we cooked pasta e ceci and It was delicious 💘

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New challenge 😅 No cookies have been wasted in making this: I’m a pro 💪🏻

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Live singing today: @fedez and @francesca_michielin singing Magnifico ❤️

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This was not the party I had planned for you, but you’re with both your parents and we love you so much. You also liked the pie I made for you so this makes this day so perfect 💘

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「喉嚨如刀割!!」「吃止痛藥沒用!」有慢性過敏史,以及鼻過敏的人,防疫包裡真的少不了它 擔心孩子開學遭感染,醫生建議做到7大關鍵有效降低風險