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旅遊 | Aug 07 , 2017  00:00


現今這社會,很多女生都追求苗條的身材,甚至努力瘦身希望能達到超模的標準才覺得自己稱的上「漂亮」。關於身材這件事,國外一名作家Robbie Tripp發表了一篇公開信,寫給他身形豐腴、又心愛的妻子。淺白的話語,暖心的道出真愛是什麼,也讓人重新思考美的定義。
文/Sasha  來源/Instagram@tripp 、@sassyredlipstick

與妻子Sarah透過網路認識,已結婚3年多的Robbie Tripp在自己的IG上寫下這些話。


|| I love this woman and her curvy body. As a teenager, I was often teased by my friends for my attraction to girls on the thicker side, ones who were shorter and curvier, girls that the average (basic) bro might refer to as "chubby" or even "fat." Then, as I became a man and started to educate myself on issues such as feminism and how the media marginalizes women by portraying a very narrow and very specific standard of beauty (thin, tall, lean) I realized how many men have bought into that lie. For me, there is nothing sexier than this woman right here: thick thighs, big booty, cute little side roll, etc. Her shape and size won't be the one featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan but it's the one featured in my life and in my heart. There's nothing sexier to me than a woman who is both curvy and confident; this gorgeous girl I married fills out every inch of her jeans and is still the most beautiful one in the room. Guys, rethink what society has told you that you should desire. A real woman is not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character. She's real. She has beautiful stretch marks on her hips and cute little dimples on her booty. Girls, don't ever fool yourself by thinking you have to fit a certain mold to be loved and appreciated. There is a guy out there who is going to celebrate you for exactly who you are, someone who will love you like I love my Sarah. || photo cred: @kaileehjudd

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